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Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 7...

I am so thankful that i LOVE my job!
I work roughly 30 hours a week... which is actually a good deal more than the other part-time employees who have been there a great deal longer than me! My boss understands I need the money and she really enjoys the atmosphere I help create at work... yay!
Unfortunately, there is a great chance that I will not be with the company much longer. It's not the craziness of the pregnancy, which I will get at later, but the unfortunate reality that it is nearly impossible to find constant, reliable, and cheap daycare! Don't get me wrong, we greatly appreciate our friends and family when they help out... but we don't want to continue to rely on them and make them feel like we are using them in any way...
That, and we are almost assuredly moving soon!
But more on that when the time comes!!!!!!

As far as the pregnancy goes, I am 7 weeks and 3 days today and still haven't had the means or time to see a doctor, but hey, I am experienced at this sort of thing so I know the basics... lol
The morning sickness comes mostly late late in the evening, or if I miss a meal by more than just a hour or so.... and it no longer involves actual vomiting, just nausea that won't go away... the worst kind!
I can't eat chocolate! This, along with a few other differences in my previous pregnancies and in correlation to others I have spoken with is making me feel like the baby is quite possibly a boy! But, then again... it could just be wishful excitement! lol
I haven't had the horrible headaches or weakness that has accompanied my pregnancies in the past, though it is still early on... I am hoping that I can keep up the active part of my life (walking, working, cooking...lol, and yoga) throughout this pregnancy without the previously inevitable bed rest. While we know this is a high risk pregnancy, with preterm labor with both Ciara and Cadince in my past, we are praying that the Lord grants us a smooth ride this time...

FYI, I am actually keeping these blog updates regular because other bloggers have inspired me to keep a journal, and while I regularly would not have the motivation to be so punctual with my posts, I figured it would be a great keepsake for the baby one day... a week by week journal. That and I can eventually throw all the pain and sickness in the one day teenagers face with actual proof! hahahahaha! jk... maybe!
Thank you for all your prayers and enthusiasm!
We couldn't be more EXCITED!

1 comment:

6L's said...

sounds like a boy to me!