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Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Broken Bone among the kiddos!

So.... Wednesday, the 4th, Cadince was in the middle of practicing her new acrobatic routine (she is secretly a tight rope walker) when her balance was thrown off by a sudden movement of the CHAIR she was standing on! Her tiny little body was thrust forward behind the chair and she fell down, down, down many feet (like 3 1/2) and she landed with a THUD! on the floor! (I try to tell her everytime she needs to use a safety net!) I was in bed because I sleep whenever I get the chance and Jared rushed her into me, quickly explained her terrifying feat, and moved her sleeve to show me the puffy bruised area on her collar bone. After examining it for a few moments I decided she was probably just bruised and decided to get back to my nap...I am a very involved mother! LOL A few moments later I could hear her cries from the other room. I got up to check o her and she had barely moved her arm but was obviously in a great deal of pain...to the emergency room I guess! Well, after 1 hour of Gateway's "excellent service" and being exposed to swine flu and all sorts of other ailments from the other people waiting around in the waiting room, we were called back. The doctor came in, looked at her, moved her arm around, and sent her to X-ray. For those of you mothers who have not had to experience your young child being tortured in a X-ray room, may you never have to! She was TERRIFIED! I tried desperately to hold her hand but they kept pulling her away and bending her in ways obviously causing anguish! She kept screaming and through the tears I heard "Mama, I am scared! Help me!" Let me say I have NEVER felt so helpless and so horrible in my life! My poor baby was right in front of me, calling for me, in pain and I could not help her. After the great fun in the Xray room, we were sent back to our room to wait....and wait...and wait. Well, another 3 hours went by and we were finally seen again by the doctor, all the while my little Cadie was cuddled up against me sobbing in discomfort. He told us she had a clean break in her collar bone and, yes, there is nothing we can do to fix it! He said he would give her some medicine there, but she was to take just Motrin at home, and wear a sling for 6-8 weeks! She is 3!!!! So, after all the tears we both cried during our 4 1/2 hour stay at the hospital, Cadince and I walked out to the car where Daddy and Ciara were waiting to tell them the news... My poor poor Cadince! The smallest of us all gets a big boo boo! To top it all off, our cell phones were shut off that morning so I couldn't call to cancel my doctor's appt for the 3rd time to take Cadie to the E.R.!! Crazy Crazy day!


6L's said...

the joys of parenthood! :( poor thing! i can't imagine if leila had to wear a sling for that long...well, actually i can which is why it sounds so bad, lol! she wouldn't do it! i had heard from someone else that had a broken collar bone in an accident that they can't do anything for it...strange! hope it isn't to painful for her or you and jared. prayers for a fast recovery, cadince!

Andrea said...

Poor baby. But you have to admit she looks so darn cute with her little sling. I hope she starts feeling better soon. Let us know when you get your phone turned on.