Our Walk Together

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Of course!

Things have been going pretty well around here lately. As well as can be expected in this house anyway! Cadince is doing fine with her little broken collar bone...she hardly ever has her brace on the way it should be and climbs around EVERYWHERE as usual. I figure if she isn't in enough pain to stop herself then no harm done letting her play. Cecilia is pulling off average grades in school, better than the low grades she started off with but not quite the higher grades she COULD be getting if she would stop talking in class and do her work...so she is pretty much grounded all the time lately. Ciara is becoming very excited about the arrival of her little brother and wants so much to help with everything....the nursery, the baby book, rubbing Mommy's tummy.... anything she feels contributes to preparing for Chase. To her, this will get him here sooner!
Speaking of which....

Here we go....This is why I labeled this "Of course!"
Today I had an appointment in Nashville with the specialist, a different one then usual this time, to get an echogenic test done for Chase. This is basically and extensive ultrasound done mainly on the heart and surrounding arteries and valves. The tech spent the whole time zoomed in on his heart and than the prenatal heart specialist came in to scan for a bit and examine what he could of the heart. No worries here, everything about Chase's little heart was perfect! That is a BIG blessing!
However, the Lord finds humor in my topsy turvy world I swear, and the next thing the tech needed to do was a transvaginal to measure my cervix and some growth. Two seconds into the scan she started getting that "huh" look on her face. I was then informed that there was a not so small issue...my cervix had shortened 12 cm in the past month and a half (which is NOT ok) and I was now at a very short 22 cm! Oh Joy!
My friend was with me abd we had plans to go pre Christmas shopping and browsing after the appointment, but instead I was immediately sent over to Centennial Hospital for Women to be hooked up to machines and monitored! Great! I tried to tell the lady that I wasn't in labor, nor was I even contracting, but no one listens to me. I was, indeed, not contracting and was released shortly after I got there, but all of this came with bad news.
Chase will be here soon, alot sooner than we thought, alot sooner than he should be... 3-5 weeks. I am 29 weeks and 4 days as of today...
Please pray for us. Please pray that my son will stay inside just a little longer, that there will be no complications, that he will be safe inside of me, and that when he is born he will not have to stay in the hospital NICU for days and days like Cadince did. My heart breaks when I think about not bringing him home, when I think about not being able to hold my son for weeks for mor than a minute or two before they have to stick him back in the incubator, when I think about not being able to nurse him like I want to so badly. Everything was fine! I haven't been to the E.R. in awhile, no bad contractions, just growing pains... I don't understand why this happens, I just ask that you help me and pray that we ALL get through this healthy and happy.
I have to add something positive to stop myself from crying anymore while I write this =)
We have all the big furniture we need for the nursery!!!! And it is all set up!!! We want to paint and are just waiting on approval from the owner of our house to start! We found a crib, dresser, and changing table/dresser combo all for $250 gently used from a very nice woman! I got an adorable bassinet for super cheap from a consignment store, and I got his baby swing on sale too! I need diapers of course, bottles, a breast pump, and tons of other little things for his actual arrival, and I feel so unprepared now...but that's me worrying! ugh!

Thank you all for all your prayers! We will get through, we always do...

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