Our Walk Together

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a GREAT Halloween this year! Our church had a chili cook-off, American Idol, Trunk or Treat, an AWESOME hayride, fireworks, and some of our favorite people... the Spencer family! The girls got to go all out this year! Cecilia picked to be a Queen bee, though she mostly looks like a super hero in her pictures! Ciara was the belle of the ball as a Southern Belle and won the all ages costume contest at the LDS church function and got 2nd place at our church's festival! Cadince, our Cadie bug, was a cute little lady bug and the most adorable one I have ever seen at that! So, here are some pictures of our little cuties. I have to say, though it may seem biased some, I have the most adorable children in the world. Truthfully, I don't thank the Lord often enough for them and He deserves ALOT of praise for the little wonders He has blessed Jared and I with!

All my girls... Cadie smearing her face paint! Aren't they the cutest?!

One thing is for sure... we will NEVER run out of Halloween candy! Here's our stash from Halloween night alone... and this is AFTER we passed out some to the late trick or treaters who came around after we got home!!!

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