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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why I have been away soooo long...

Well, 2010 has been quite eventful so far for us!

First things first, Chase Everett Wayne Golson was born January 11 (his Aunt Jacky's birthday) at 10:19pm. He weighed 7 lbs even and was 20 inches long. He came out with a head full of dark hair and dark dark eyes! He is, by far, the most precious little baby boy I have ever seen... but I MIGHT be biast!

We came home after only one full day at the hospital and we have been settling in as best as we can. The girls LOVE having a baby around and everyday they are doing everything they can to help, asking to pick out his clothes and even help change diapers! I can't seem to find the desire to put him down ever myself! I did, however, realize I had forgotten what the sleep deprivation was like! I had not been sleeping well the last few weeks of the pregnancy, but at least when I slept it was for 3 or 4 heavy hours. The past few weeks, finding even one hour of good sleep time has been hard! I am in school full time and my work-load is extensive some days. The days I have to leave for school are the hardest for me and, admittedly, this is the first time I have been so down afterwards. I am debating on seeing my doctor about PPD, because my emotions are more high strung than normal, I cry for long periods of time doubting my abilities as a mother and whether I am a good one or not, and sleep deprivation has left me with a strange appetite change.
Other than my insane meltdowns, however, I am SO happy to have Chase home! He is a blessing and everyday he does so many incredibly adorable little things I couldn't possibly list them all!

Here are some pictures of our newest family member:

He is definitely a welcomed addition to this Golson bunch! I was so scared to have a boy, but I am head over heels in love with this little guy!! I am so blessed!


6L's said...

he is so darling, super darn cute!!!! i'm sorry you are having a rough time! :( definitely talk to your doc about that...i'm sure she can help! i am worried about that this time too....the extreme load and doubting myself. hang in there! ((((HUGS)))

Jessica-Marie said...

Thank you so much Laura! Ya, I was never down before but this time even minimal seperation is getting to me! He's going to be spoiled if for noother reason then I won't put him down! And don't worry, you are a great mom... those kids are proof!

6L's said...

it's gotta be hard adding school to the mix...i can't even imagine! you are a brave woman, lol!