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Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

For my New Year's Resolution/goal, I am going to be a better blogger.... keep a better journal for my family's sake and so when I am 83 years old and can't remember my own name much less things I did in my 20's- I will have these journals/blogs to read over and remember how I learned, struggled, loved, lost, grew, shrank, wanted, pleaded, received, and all my many blessings from the Lord! I can remember how my kids discovered the world one small new adventure at a time. There is alot going on right now I can't really put on here yet, not until everything is final and set in stone, but the moment everything gets into place I want to put it all here so I can remember the joy and strength I had for my family and how amazing my husband, my kids, and my family were in supporting me.
I can't write much today, got tooooo much else going on, but as part of this new goal, I knew I needed to jot this down.
Also, my friend Laura has asked what everyone's "word" for this NEW year 2011 is... a word that details in a nutshell what your strongest goal is for yourself, what your biggest flaw filled area of your life encompasses and how you plan to change that.... and I got to thinking about it today while I sat in church for the first time in months because of all my crazy work hours. Pastor Tracy, a wonderful minister I feel very strongly was sent here to help me on my path to the Lord and who has influenced my better living by pointing me to the savior who can lead me through anything and everything, was talking about getting "fit" this year. Spiritually fit that is. The bible talks about it quite often and how important it is to get spiritually "fit". Within the idea of spiritual fitness is financial fitness, physical fitness, and relationship fitness. All areas of my life I need very much to work on.... So my word is FITNESS.... and by this time next year I do want to say YES, I have gotten spiritually fit, physcially fit, financially fit, and built stronger relationships with those in my life.
What about you?

1 comment:

6L's said...

i LOVE your word! :)