Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 weeks

These are a bit blurry because Jared took them with his camera phone and his hands were not perfectly still the whole time! But, here are some pictures, posed by my husband, of me at 30 weeks! Chase is measuring a little bigger than average, but not huge...Thank the Lord! This is our bassinet for the little man!

I found this sign very appropriate since we are having a little CHASE and we always encourage our kids to follow their dreams as far as they can reach and way beyond... It will go over his crib!

I look and feel humongous, but this if for documentation purposes, especially since I have not been keeping up with pictures like I should! Here the girls wanted to be in a picture so Jared had them stand with their hands on my belly! If it wasn't so blurry it would be even cuter!
All in all I can't complain too much. Being pregnant obviously means getting a little bigger and gaining some weight. I have gained just under 20 lbs so far with 10 week left so that is about average and I am ok with that! Now that I am on bed rest though, I am afraid of those pounds that will just be sitting around multiplying! lol

1 comment:

6L's said...

you are funny! love the 'chase' sign! you do NOT look huge! and 20 lbs, please tell me you're kidding, lol, i think i'm at about 25 now...i'll be 25 weeks monday!