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Friday, December 11, 2009

Living in Fast Forward....

....and I need to rewind real slow....!!!!
The year is almost over!!!!!!
Time goes by so fast. I look at my girls and I wonder, everyday, where they went. The young ladies I see can't possibly be my little baby girls.
Cecilia is such a young woman already! She comes home from school everyday with something new and interesting to tell us, some things, I admit, I am not ready for her to know...but for the most part she just fascinated me with her mind! Today the news was that a boy in her class...bet you know where this is going...is IN LOVE with her and just so I know, she is NOT happy about that! Thank the Lord! I know, with little beauties like mine, Jared and I are going to have one heck of a time in years to come with boys knocking the doors down to get to them...of course, when those boys come face to face with the 45 they might change their minds! lol! I am just not ready to deal with all that yet!!!
Ciara is growing so fast. She has new questions to ask me everyday, new facts to tell me from what she learns on t.v. or from Cecilia, and many many ideas in her head! She has gotten so tall, sprouting up like Cecilia our little giant, and I can't help but think back to day one, holding her tiny little body...far different looking than the long blond haired 4 year old in front of me!
Cadince, my little Cadie bug, though obviously bigger than she was at birth is still so tiny...but she is 3?! How did that happen?! She is still majorly struggling with potty training, and a broken collarbone has not helped the matter, but she is growing up just the same. I am amazed by all she can comprehend each day and how she can understand more and more of what we say and do. Three years ago she was just a little preemie baby, so tiny and fragile, and now she is my big girl...about to be a big sister! Yes, I definitely miss my little girls!
I realize today that, despite the craziness I have gone through the past few months and the insane 27lbs I have put on the past 33 weeks, I am about to not be pregnant anymore and I am oh so sad!!! Any day now Chase will be born, and I will no longer have a little miracle inside me. Since we have decided that, barring some insane twist of fate, this will be our last baby, the idea is even more tragic to me... no more waking up in the middle of the night feeling the baby kick, no more crazy cravings... it will all be over soon...already?!?!
Why does everything precious have to go by so fast? Why can't we slow down the wonderful parts of life?! The Lord knows what he is doing, this I know, but sometimes...well it's hard to say goodbye to those moments that take your breathe away!
On the plus side..... my little man will be here soon! I feel completely unprepared as nearly every mother does right before the baby comes, but I am so excited to hold him! Everyday is another day closer to touching him and loving him more than imaginable! What a blessing that will be!

I want to say that, unfortunately, hard times bring out the truth about certain situations and people. I have found that, there are many friends I thought Icould count on that I indeed can not. My family has been so supportive and constantly involved with every step of everything and I appreciate them more than I could every explain. My sister has been living with me, my on call emergency system if you will, and has helped keep me sane in my time of "captivity"! I get phone calls from family states away every week to stay up to date on the situation and many friends and family who can not be here to help, still offer prayer and assure me I am loved. For those who don't know or understand, in times of trial and pain and worry...sometimes the most important things is to know you are loved. I have made friends during this period in my life that i hope I never lose and I hope you know who you are...people I never had any contact with before really have become supportive aspects of my life. Thank all of you who have cared and who have been there, offering meals, relief, and support to Jared and I during this crazy time.

As far as Chase goes, here is the update... figured I should get to that eventually =)

I am 33 1/2 weeks along and just got home yesterday from the hospital where I was in preterm labor for 16 hours! Blah! I was put on the magnesium and 12 hours later my labor finally stopped. I am dilated at 3cm and counting...if I get to 4cm they cannot give me the medication to stop labor. If Chase is born anytime within the next week and 1/2 he will not be able to come home right away...he will spend a few days to a week or so in the NICU for his lungs to develop. Right now he is about 4 1/2lbs and I have already had the steroid shots to help his development along faster. My doctor expects that he will be here within the next week, though it is possible (not likely but miracles happen) that I can hold out for another 2 weeks. In all likelihood and probability we will have a baby by Christmas.
For those trying to stay updated, please pray for us. I desperately want to bring my son home once he is born, Cadince's 10 day stay in the NICU was nearly unbearable. Pray for his health, our patience, and our understanding of whatever decision the Lord makes for us. I suppose I am done rambling and updating...don't know when I will be on again as I am actually contracting pretty bad tonight... by as soon as we know more I will try and post!
Thank you so much and Bless you for your prayers and support, even if it is silent...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

inspiration...even though you didn't ask

Sometimes, all you need to get through the day is for someone, somewhere to say just the right thing...or tell you something they heard once. That person is almost ALWAYS my mother and I am so thankful. Thank you Mom... I love you!

This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you
read to the end!!!!!! Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain
, Cleveland , Ohio .

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It
is the most-requested column I've ever written.
My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 weeks

These are a bit blurry because Jared took them with his camera phone and his hands were not perfectly still the whole time! But, here are some pictures, posed by my husband, of me at 30 weeks! Chase is measuring a little bigger than average, but not huge...Thank the Lord! This is our bassinet for the little man!

I found this sign very appropriate since we are having a little CHASE and we always encourage our kids to follow their dreams as far as they can reach and way beyond... It will go over his crib!

I look and feel humongous, but this if for documentation purposes, especially since I have not been keeping up with pictures like I should! Here the girls wanted to be in a picture so Jared had them stand with their hands on my belly! If it wasn't so blurry it would be even cuter!
All in all I can't complain too much. Being pregnant obviously means getting a little bigger and gaining some weight. I have gained just under 20 lbs so far with 10 week left so that is about average and I am ok with that! Now that I am on bed rest though, I am afraid of those pounds that will just be sitting around multiplying! lol

Friday, November 13, 2009

Of course!

Things have been going pretty well around here lately. As well as can be expected in this house anyway! Cadince is doing fine with her little broken collar bone...she hardly ever has her brace on the way it should be and climbs around EVERYWHERE as usual. I figure if she isn't in enough pain to stop herself then no harm done letting her play. Cecilia is pulling off average grades in school, better than the low grades she started off with but not quite the higher grades she COULD be getting if she would stop talking in class and do her work...so she is pretty much grounded all the time lately. Ciara is becoming very excited about the arrival of her little brother and wants so much to help with everything....the nursery, the baby book, rubbing Mommy's tummy.... anything she feels contributes to preparing for Chase. To her, this will get him here sooner!
Speaking of which....

Here we go....This is why I labeled this "Of course!"
Today I had an appointment in Nashville with the specialist, a different one then usual this time, to get an echogenic test done for Chase. This is basically and extensive ultrasound done mainly on the heart and surrounding arteries and valves. The tech spent the whole time zoomed in on his heart and than the prenatal heart specialist came in to scan for a bit and examine what he could of the heart. No worries here, everything about Chase's little heart was perfect! That is a BIG blessing!
However, the Lord finds humor in my topsy turvy world I swear, and the next thing the tech needed to do was a transvaginal to measure my cervix and some growth. Two seconds into the scan she started getting that "huh" look on her face. I was then informed that there was a not so small issue...my cervix had shortened 12 cm in the past month and a half (which is NOT ok) and I was now at a very short 22 cm! Oh Joy!
My friend was with me abd we had plans to go pre Christmas shopping and browsing after the appointment, but instead I was immediately sent over to Centennial Hospital for Women to be hooked up to machines and monitored! Great! I tried to tell the lady that I wasn't in labor, nor was I even contracting, but no one listens to me. I was, indeed, not contracting and was released shortly after I got there, but all of this came with bad news.
Chase will be here soon, alot sooner than we thought, alot sooner than he should be... 3-5 weeks. I am 29 weeks and 4 days as of today...
Please pray for us. Please pray that my son will stay inside just a little longer, that there will be no complications, that he will be safe inside of me, and that when he is born he will not have to stay in the hospital NICU for days and days like Cadince did. My heart breaks when I think about not bringing him home, when I think about not being able to hold my son for weeks for mor than a minute or two before they have to stick him back in the incubator, when I think about not being able to nurse him like I want to so badly. Everything was fine! I haven't been to the E.R. in awhile, no bad contractions, just growing pains... I don't understand why this happens, I just ask that you help me and pray that we ALL get through this healthy and happy.
I have to add something positive to stop myself from crying anymore while I write this =)
We have all the big furniture we need for the nursery!!!! And it is all set up!!! We want to paint and are just waiting on approval from the owner of our house to start! We found a crib, dresser, and changing table/dresser combo all for $250 gently used from a very nice woman! I got an adorable bassinet for super cheap from a consignment store, and I got his baby swing on sale too! I need diapers of course, bottles, a breast pump, and tons of other little things for his actual arrival, and I feel so unprepared now...but that's me worrying! ugh!

Thank you all for all your prayers! We will get through, we always do...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Broken Bone among the kiddos!

So.... Wednesday, the 4th, Cadince was in the middle of practicing her new acrobatic routine (she is secretly a tight rope walker) when her balance was thrown off by a sudden movement of the CHAIR she was standing on! Her tiny little body was thrust forward behind the chair and she fell down, down, down many feet (like 3 1/2) and she landed with a THUD! on the floor! (I try to tell her everytime she needs to use a safety net!) I was in bed because I sleep whenever I get the chance and Jared rushed her into me, quickly explained her terrifying feat, and moved her sleeve to show me the puffy bruised area on her collar bone. After examining it for a few moments I decided she was probably just bruised and decided to get back to my nap...I am a very involved mother! LOL A few moments later I could hear her cries from the other room. I got up to check o her and she had barely moved her arm but was obviously in a great deal of pain...to the emergency room I guess! Well, after 1 hour of Gateway's "excellent service" and being exposed to swine flu and all sorts of other ailments from the other people waiting around in the waiting room, we were called back. The doctor came in, looked at her, moved her arm around, and sent her to X-ray. For those of you mothers who have not had to experience your young child being tortured in a X-ray room, may you never have to! She was TERRIFIED! I tried desperately to hold her hand but they kept pulling her away and bending her in ways obviously causing anguish! She kept screaming and through the tears I heard "Mama, I am scared! Help me!" Let me say I have NEVER felt so helpless and so horrible in my life! My poor baby was right in front of me, calling for me, in pain and I could not help her. After the great fun in the Xray room, we were sent back to our room to wait....and wait...and wait. Well, another 3 hours went by and we were finally seen again by the doctor, all the while my little Cadie was cuddled up against me sobbing in discomfort. He told us she had a clean break in her collar bone and, yes, there is nothing we can do to fix it! He said he would give her some medicine there, but she was to take just Motrin at home, and wear a sling for 6-8 weeks! She is 3!!!! So, after all the tears we both cried during our 4 1/2 hour stay at the hospital, Cadince and I walked out to the car where Daddy and Ciara were waiting to tell them the news... My poor poor Cadince! The smallest of us all gets a big boo boo! To top it all off, our cell phones were shut off that morning so I couldn't call to cancel my doctor's appt for the 3rd time to take Cadie to the E.R.!! Crazy Crazy day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a GREAT Halloween this year! Our church had a chili cook-off, American Idol, Trunk or Treat, an AWESOME hayride, fireworks, and some of our favorite people... the Spencer family! The girls got to go all out this year! Cecilia picked to be a Queen bee, though she mostly looks like a super hero in her pictures! Ciara was the belle of the ball as a Southern Belle and won the all ages costume contest at the LDS church function and got 2nd place at our church's festival! Cadince, our Cadie bug, was a cute little lady bug and the most adorable one I have ever seen at that! So, here are some pictures of our little cuties. I have to say, though it may seem biased some, I have the most adorable children in the world. Truthfully, I don't thank the Lord often enough for them and He deserves ALOT of praise for the little wonders He has blessed Jared and I with!

All my girls... Cadie smearing her face paint! Aren't they the cutest?!

One thing is for sure... we will NEVER run out of Halloween candy! Here's our stash from Halloween night alone... and this is AFTER we passed out some to the late trick or treaters who came around after we got home!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby shower

So... Saturday was my baby shower and it was amazing! I had so much fun with friends and family and couldn't have asked for a better turn out...well, Andrea, it would have been nice if you hadn't thrown yourself infront of some crazy teenager and gotten in that accident so you couldn't come for it, but I understand your selfishness I suppose! lol Anyway, I want to thank everyone who made it out to make me feel all special and thought I would go ahead and post some pics for those who couldn't get there (because of some fake "car accident" or whatever) haha jk

I really was in a good mood, but this picture makes me look hateful! lol... I was cooking!

Before the party started everyone was just hanging out...so I was forced to pose for pictures!

Not that Chase woudn't look so muc better in these, but I think I pulled the look off ok, right?!

I was so in love with all the little bags! Loved my gifts, don't get me wrong, but I got all giggly over them bags! lol

Some gifts brought out the tear works... Cecilia picked out a bunch of stuff from her and her sisters just for Chase. She chose some diapers, Finding Nemo baby wipes, an outfit, and s baby pacifier thermometer so she can read the temperature when she helps with Chase. Right before that I had finally stopped crying from when Tabby walked in with the cutest little carseat! She surprised me! It is adorable! Laura R got these precious little hand/footprint frames for me to hang up in Chase's room! Holding those just made me think of how small his little feet will be and I just want to hold him already! lol

Of course, every good shower has a super yummy cak
e to gorge out on! lol. My Mommy got me the cutest little cake. In case you can't read it it says "It's a Boy!" She said she asked, but they couldn't fit "finally" on there anywhere! hahahaha

Here I am, stuffing the adorable cake into my mouth! mmmmm! It was so good!

Last but not least I wanted to show the world exactly what all happened at the shower and I could not do wo without including this next picture! My husband, who was NOT invited to the shower by the way, snuck down the stairs during the gift time to swipe a bunch of food from the kitchen and then sneak back up stairs... well, all I can say Jared is... BUSTED!

I feel so incredibly blessed to have the friends and family that I do who took time out of their busy lives to spend some time with me, pampering me and playing insane games! With all the chaos that has been associated with this pregnancy, it was so nice to just be surrounded by people who really care about us and feel that support! Thank all of you so much and please know that I love you all for everything you do! We had a blast didn't we?!

* On a side note, I did want to add, not to bring the mood down at all, that I did have another ultrasound with the specialist Friday. Apparently we have a bit of a road ahead still of tests and ultrasounds to rule out other possiblities, but we are pretty sure Chase has clubbed foot and there is a possibility of some brain abnormaility. From the looks of the ultrasound the doctor believes that the left side of his brain appears larger than the right and so she is just a little concerned about that. She has scheduled me for an advanced echo for his heart and a measurements ultrasound in a few weeks to get a better look! We are hopeful though... please pray everything is ok! The Lord will get us through just fine! Thanks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

motivational in my very hectic life

My mom sent me this email story and it undoubtedly touched my heart so much. I have been building a stronger relationship with the Lord these past few months, unfortunate that it took such a horrid probability (the possible health problems with our son) to finally get my butt in gear towards this transformation, but whatever the reason I have matured so much in this short while and have been "blessed" with trials and tribulations already to build up that faith and relationship even more lately.
I hope that as you read this short story you feel the spirit rush over you as I did.
For, the Lord only gives us what we can handle and he will not weigh upon us that which we can not carry. He might try :) but he knows our limits!

Here's the story:

I was tired. Bone weary. For six weeks, my schedule had been relentless. In the middle of it all I had been faced with one tragedy after another: the accidental death of a young woman in our church; the loss of a close friend to heart disease; the breakup of a loved one's marriage. I was beginning to feel like Job.
One Wednesday night at prayer meeting, the strain must have showed on my face. After the service, Tom Parrish walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I knew he had something important to say. Tom is eighty yeas old. A survivor of Pearl Harbor, he has been a lawyer, a pastor and university administrator. He is a man of wisdom and experience. I have learned to listen to him.

"Scott," Tom began, "let me tell you a story about something that happened to me in high school. I was strong and lean back then, and very fast. I ran the mile on the track team, but I was having problems. I always led the pack through the first three-and -a -half laps, but on the homestretch I was getting beat. One day after I lost by a whisker, my track coach pulled me over and said a single sentence that changed my life: 'Always remember that the other man is just as tired as you are.'

"Now, Scott, you haven't said it, but I can tell it: You're tired. But this is the moment when you must not give in. Just remember that others have gone through what you're going through, and they didn't lose the race. And they were as tired as you are. Keep your chin up and keep running."
There are times when all of us need to collapse and rest. There are other times when we need to tighten our jaw and "keep on keeping on." And sometimes the encouragement of a friend can make all the difference between winning or losing the race.

Dear Father, may I continue to run the race that is before me. And may I give encouragement to other runners along the way. Scott Walker

Are we an encourager or discourager? May God help us to be like Jesus. Have a Great day in the Lord!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, I have been keeping a small record of what has been going on during the pregnancy through the blog, not really keeping up the way I should, but attempting to keep some record... Anyway, my Mom suggested I keep track of the differences between this pregnancy and the other two, since we have a boy this time... and believe me, there are differences! lol

First Trimester

With the girls, I was sick throughout the entire pregnancy. With Ciara I was actually physically ill, vomiting all the time, everything but what I was craving! With Cadince, I was just nauseous 24/7! I couldn't eat anything even if I wanted to, but once I did I had the constant feeling of nausea, with no relief! With Chase, however, I had early morning nausea through the first whole trimester, occasionally it was throughout the entire day but mostly in the morning or late late evening. It was always accompanied by vomiting! lol

Second Trimester

Into the second trimester, with both Ciara and Cadince, I was laid up in bed, still ill! My body stayed fairly small, however, and my weight gain was minimal. With Chase, my feet swell, my legs and hands swell, and my weight gain has been average, but not where I would like it to be! Because with Ciara I started out so small, I only gained about 18 lbs with her over all 9 months. With Cadince, since she was 7 weeks early, I only gained about 24 lbs, but at 33 weeks that was a good deal more than what I had gained with Ciara. After Cadie I didn't lose all of my weight, and started out at an unideal weight with Chase... 155 lbs! So far, in the second trimester, nearly to the third with Chase, I have gained 20 lbs... and I still have 15 weeks to go! I have just now been put on light bed rest, with orders to prop my feet up as often as possible and avoid any straining exercise or movements. Great! I have 3 kids! lol By this point , 25 weeks, in my previous 2 pregnancies, I had been to the hospital quite a few times with preterm labor scares, had to have terbutaline shots out the whazoo, and was incapable of doing anything on my own! haha! With Chase, I have been twice, only because an infection has caused me to go into heavier Braxton Hicks than permissible, and that has thrown me over and required me to have the terb!


Ciara was my first and so, I wasn't exactly a pro on what to look for movement wise. I first felt her kicks around 19-20 weeks and they were like little butterfly movements! I felt the same feeling with Cadie around the same time, only a little more profound, since the girls were only a year apart! With Chase, I felt the butterflies at about 16 weeks, way before I expected them. At 20 weeks I could feel full on kicking and moving around and unlike the girls, who I could SEE moving around at about 28 weeks, I have seen Chase moving since week 22! It's true, you really do see and feel things earlier each time! haha
The girls were pretty consistent with their kicking and location. Both girls stayed in the center of my belly area most of the time, only occasionally putting pressure on my spine and only towards the end. Chase, however, is ALL OVER THE PLACE, all the time! He kicks me in the back, the chest, straight down (oh ya, that one hurts ladies!), and pretty much anywhere he pleases!


With both the girls, I had an ultrasound around 21 weeks and then had at least one after that. With Cadie, because of her/my condition, I had 2 ultrasounds a week for about 2 months to keep a close eye on her measurements. Both the girls were very proportioned looking. Their bodies seemed about the same from head to toe... Chase, on the other hand, appeared ALL LEGS in all his ultrasounds so far! No wonder his kicks make me shake sometimes with their intensity!


My cravings haven't been near as intense with Chase as they were with the girls. With Ciara and Cadince I had hardcore cravings throughout the day and night all the way to about the 7 month mark. I wanted strange combinations of things, beef jerky all the time, pepsi circulated through my veins like blood, and if I didn't eat when and what I was craving then, I couldn't eat after. I practically lived off of Subway with Cadince! lol With Chase, I have had minimal cravings, mostly for full course meals like Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy (thanks Mom), steak and loaded mashed potatoes, salads and such... oh, and pistachios! haha! However, the weirdest craving I have had, through all the pregnancies has occurred with Chase only and is really abnormal to me... milk! I HATE milk so much! I barely use any in my cereal each morning, I would only drink it accompanied with Ovaltine mix, I wouldn't even drink it with oreos! Chase, on the other hand, LOVES milk and I have to have two or three glasses everyday! I never thought something I personally have such disdain for could become my new pepsi all because of the appetite of my child!

That's about all I've got right now... Which is quite alot I realize! haha! I hope to remember to update in the third trimester!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Little Man 9/25/09

Well, today is the 23 week mark... so... only 17 more weeks, give or take 2 or3, left before we see our little boy face to face... Since 17 sounds to much less than 20, this week is exciting! lol

Chase moves every which way every few seconds! I love this part! The kids get a "kick" out of feeling the baby "kick" (har har har!) and love to watch my stomach move up and down under my shirt when he is rolling around inside! Since it won't be much longer till everyone gets to see Chase in all his glory, I thought Iwould post a few ultrasound pictures up for everyone to see! Here he is!!!!
This is my favorite! The profile picture! You can see his little head, and his spine, his heart, stomach, and face! Makes me tear up!

In this one he has his mouth open towards the top there while he is yawning! If you look, you can see his little tongue right above his bottom jaw! Kinda scary looking, in a cute way! lol

If you are offended, I am sorry, but we are very proud of our priviledge to have a little boy and I just thought, for all those wondering if the results could have been wrong, that we would show that he is definitely a boy! These pics were taken at our sepcialists office so, I believe there is no denying it! haha!

Well, it has been quite beautiful outside and we have been spendingmore time at the park and playing outside because of it... As fun as it sounds, the outside world must not like me much! lol I noticed a few days ago, after hanging at the park, that my feet, ankles, and calves were sooooo swollen! I had never really had that problem before with the swelling until the last little bit of both my other pregnancies... so, at 5 months, experience this unsightly condition is less then fantastic to say the least! I can't get up and walk around for more then 10-15 minutes it seems without the swelling getting so bad my feet hurt, even in flip flops! Must be a boy thing!

That's about it I reckon! If any of you mom's have any advice it is appreciated... I will try almost anything right now! Not being active in these last few months could prove very bad later in weight perspective!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Things are looking better, and prayers really do work! Chase appears to have clubbed feet srill and the doc feels it may be a neuro problem, we go back in 4 weeks to find out for sure... but, his heart looks great, no calcium deposits, and no surgery needed! His possible down syndrome has turned into likely false readings, as many said were possible... We aren't 100% in the clear yet, but the major worries we had have been lightened! Thank you all so much for your prayers!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worries and Hopes

Week 22 has come with some hardships...
Monday I received a call from my doctor's office saying I needed to come in for an immediate appointment to discuss our ultrasound the previous Thursday. Such news is NEVER a good thing so Wednesday we headed over to see Dr. Lisa and the news was, as we expected, horrible.
Chase has some complications. There are calcium deposits in his heart that will likely have to be removed surgically shortly after he is born. Worse case scenario they will need to be removed immediately meaning they will operate on him while he is still in the womb. This of course bears a risk to both of us.
There are also a few markers in the ultrasound that indicate that he may have Down Syndrome. One of the indicators being the calcium deposits, as well as a few other issues. While the DS is not an immediate life or death issue, and Jared and I have both voiced how much we will love Chase no matter what, it is a health issue and the average life span of a child with DS is in the twenties.
The smallest issue that was found in the ultrasound was clubbed foot. This can be fixed immediately after birth with a simple reconstructive plastic surgery so that he will not be affected later on when he learns to walk.

This is increasingly hard to handle as my family is far away and the few friends I assumed I had have become more involved with themselves then with supporting me. I am in great need of a support system right now, and I feel a drain instead.

Friday we will be seeing a specialist in Nashville who will do hours of testing to determine the severity of it all. We may be blessed, as we have been before, and the more advanced testing may show that the indicators don't add up enough to mean DS, and the calcium deposits are minor and many be able to stay where they are without surgery and never affect our son. This of course, is what we are praying for...

Please, whether you ar religious or not, whether you have different views then we do, whatever your life morals are... please pray for us. Only the Lord can get us through this and only he can touch the life of my son and heal him. Financially this will be the hardest thing we have ver faced as well as the most emotional time of our lives... we need you, and so does Chase. Pray.
Thank you

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quick Update

We are at 21 weeks this week! Woo hoo! Just past the half-way point!

Well, here's the news, short and sweet but no less exciting!
We had our ultrasound yesterday.... It was agony having to wait to pee for so long.
Guess that's it...

Oh, and we are having a BOY!!!!!
uh huh! oh ya! whoop whoop!
Chace Everett Wayne Golson made his photographic debut! After 30 minuted of stubbornness he finally "showed himself" to the world.... Jared nearly fainted he was so nervous and then excited....
After 3 girls, the man NEEDED a son!

So, here comes the first little Golson boy to carry the name on.... Michael will finally have a boy cousin so he won't be all alone in the family! lol

The girls are thrilled, as are we of course.... and now, it's time for decorating... once we win the lottery of course!
If you want to come to the babyshower, please let me know!!! Send me your email address so I can send the invite out!!!!!! It will be October 24, Saturday, at 2:00pm!!!!

Yay! A boy!!!!!

That's all for now.
Oh, and we just moved into a new home so that's why I haven't been on lately... will post more later!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

17/18 weeks.... 5 years... etc...

Well, time is moving so slowly, and week 17 has come and gone. Today i begin week 18 in this process better referred to as the "getting fatter by the minute" stage of life! lol
Actually, upon the last doctor's visit I was a little under on my weight gain which is perfectly safe according to Dr. McIntosh bc I started out a little bigger then the last pregnancies... go figure! lol
I absolutely LOVE Dr. McIntosh! She is amazing! Her personality is just so much fun that I thoroughly look forward to each dr. visit! It is also a relief to know that the same person I see for each visit will also be the person delivering the baby! With my old OB, Dr. Hamre (Ciara and Cadie's ) I was very much turned away by the fact that he was my regular doctor but not "on call" for either birth...meaning complete strangers delivered my babies...not cool!

Anyway, things are going well with all the baby things... I look forward more and more to the 17th and finding out if there actually could be a little boy in there!!! Either way though, for those wondering, Jared will be "fixed" very soon... not that we are for sure done having babies... but better play on the safe side for awhile, since I can't seem to stay un-pregnant for very long! lol

On other notes...
Cecilia has proudly started the 2nd grade and is struggling. She is an excellent learner, she catches on very quickly and retains information better than any adult I ahve ever met... but she seems to be getting very distracted and finds herself "not paying attention" quite frequently. Jared and I are discussing getting her tested for ADD and dyslexia, if the problem continues much longer, just to be safe...

Sunday the 23rd as Jared and I's 5 year anniversary! I know right!? 5 years! lol Anyway, we went and saw the movie "Time Travelers Wife" Saturday (such a wonderful movie by the way! I am reading the book!) and then just spent Sunday afternoon relaxing around the house. I suppose as more time goes by as a married couple, you realize that the celebration of the anniversary is no where near as important as the fact that you've actually made it that long without one of you killing the other... ah, love.... lol

Jared has taken to reading to the kids every night from the book Superfudge, and I will end this blog with a interesting experience we had the other night during story time...

There is a main character in the book named Fudge. He has a sister named Tootsie. These aren't there real name of course but that is what everyone calls them... well we have always had pretty specific nicknames for the kids. Cecilia is fondly called Cecilia Bedilia... Ciara is noticeably named for her hair, Goldilocks...and Cadince has been Cadie bug since she was born. I suppose the girls decided being named after sweets would be waaayyy cooler! lol

Ciara: From now on, I want to be called "Lollipop!"
Cecilia: Ya, and I want to be.... ummmm... "Laffy Taffy!"
Jared: um, ok... what do you want to be called then Cadince?
Cadie: Uh... "Donut!"
Me: Goodness... well then I suppose Daddy and I should have junk food names as well then huh...
Cecilia: Mom should be "gumdrop" and dad can be..."nerds!"
(Sorry....I am totally cracking up right now all over again!!!!!!!!!)
Me: Well then, what shall we call the baby?
Jared: I have got the PERFECT name for the baby!
All: What is it Dad?
Jared:........."Good N Plenty!"

Well I guess that settles it. We now know where Jared stands on how many kids he wants! lol
Have a good day everyone! lol

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Catch up.... weeks 14-16

Things have been so hectic lately! Between scheduling doctor's appointments, Cecilia starting school up again (yay!), Ciara coming down with Lord knows whatever this illness is, and well, just life... Taking the time to sit at the computer for anything but paying bills has been nearly impossible! lol

Thankfully, the past few weeks have come with some blessings as well as a few not-so-fun parts, as is expected! The morning sickness is pretty much gone! I am still tired alot, but have been finding the energy to try and get out and about a little more, even if it is just running a few errands. I made a few appearances in our quite fashionable emergency room with apparent "anxiety" attacks! Ha! I am a pregnant mother of 3 with moving, school, and a million other things on my mind, what in the world could possible cause "anxiety"?! lol

I finally made it down to see a doctor and I am totally in love with my choice of OBGYN and the staff! My doctor's office is, humorously, located directly behind the Harley Davidson store so there is a steady flow of magnificent inventions constantly catching my eye while I sit in the waiting room! lol
September 17th we find out the sex of the baby... or as Jared says, we reaffirm that it is a boy! lol I will be 21 weeks at the time so we should get a very good picture of the little girl... I mean, the baby! haha!

Well, not much more to say. The girls and I went on a zoo trip a few weeks ago so as soon as I get the film developed there will be a post on that... but geez Walmart is so far away! lol

Until later...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 12/13

I believe I should appropriately label this post as "The 12 hour nap"!
I am sooooo tired all the time!
While being home alone with three kids all day everyday and most the time all night as well doesn't seem to permit any rest no matter how much it's needed... I seem to manage it... interrupted of course!
Thank the Lord for my Cecilia! She is the 7 year old from heaven. Every little whim and need I have, she jumps to the opportunity to help me. I get massages all day long, even though I haven't asked for any lately! She wakes up with her sisters and just as I am barely opening my eyes after a long night spent tossing and turning and making frequent bathroom trips (ALREADY!) she is there with a bowl of cereal for me informing me that she and her sisters have already eaten and will be watching t.v. for the next little bit! What an amazing little helper she is. With Jared gone all week, I wouldn't be able to survive without that girl!
Well, not much has changed over the past week or so... except OMG I am showing! Isn't it impossibly ridiculous how early everything starts each pregnancy?! I don't remember even showing with the other two during the first trimester at all! Here I am though, welcoming in the second trimester 6 lbs heavier and all of it in my middle section...gaining weight every moment I am sure!
School starts for Cecilia in about 2 weeks and we are all looking forward to it, though I am less enthused now that I know I will be without such a incredible little helper everyday! As soon as we can find us a place, we will be moving... and Lord I hope it's soon. I hate anticipation of any sort. Shoot! I am already ready for this pregnancy to be almost over not barely beginning! lol

Well, that's about it.
Oh, and we found a girl's name... Coralee Patience!
Patience was Jared's 7th great grandmother's name from like the 1600's or something, and I just love it.... even though it is irrelevant since everyone (Especially Jared) swears I am having a boy! haha!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Week 11 brings blessings!

Well, we are 11 weeks into this thing now! Only 570,000 left to go.... or so it feels! lol
Though I still have only one working hand, things have fallen more or less into routine.

I am constantly tired! ha! I don't fall asleep until at east 3 or 4am, no matter how the day went, what I eat, or what I do right before bed... and then I just am unable to get out of bed until 1 or 2 pm the next day! If I try, I am incredibly weak and spend most of that time in the bathroom revisiting food once again! So, for the most part, I sleep all day, and then head off to work all night!

The crappiest part of this being that I have vastly neglected my wife-duties... cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. The house looks more like a horrible tornado swept through and has demolished everything! If I was a meteorologist, and had the ability to name this tragedy like a hurricane, I would most likely come up with something along the lines of Ceciaradince....ya, that fits! lol

But, on to good news!

Jared had been more then blessed since he got to his unit. Not only has he been promoted very quickly (he is now an E-3) but he has made a very good impression on others around him and they are desperate to keep him with them! In the guard, you just don't find many hard workers like Jared.
Anyhoo.... we have been hoping and praying for an ADSW job (full time position in the unit, though it's a temp job) because once you get in, they pretty much keep you going from temp job to temp job until they find you a full time position. While working ADSW, you get full active duty pay for your rank, BAH, and BAS! The only downside is, until he gets a more permanent position, he will likely be staying in Smyrna, a hour and a half a way, for a week at a time and only coming home on the weekends to see us... Well, one of the top liaisons for the unit has been desperately trying to find a position anywhere for JARED and called us Thursday to let us know that he got one!!!!!
It is 3 months long... give or take if they get it done faster than that. His orders are only for a month at a time, but we will still be making great money!
Plus, if they continue to put him in jobs once this one is done, or they find him a permanent position there, we will move to Smyrna/Murfreesboro so we can actually be near him and he can come home in the evenings!
Plus, there is this BEAUTIFUL house there that I want soooo bad! lol

Well, that's about it I suppose!
Until next week.... the end of the first trimester!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

weeks 9/10

These past 2 weeks have been eventful enough for blogging but time and circumstances have not made so possible. This will be short as it is!
There is a good chance I will be taking some time off from work. I have incredibly unreliable child care now so working is becoming a BIG issue. This sucks bc we desperately need my income too, but the Lord will get us through.
This will be short bc just this past week I had a dizzy spell... well, long story short I fell and caught myself wrong so now I get to wear this non decorative and certainly non flattering bandage and brace for my carpal fracture in my left hand! yay! lol
The baby seems to be trying to adjust! haha! I am nauseous all the time still, but I have not been actively revisiting my meals near as much!
It won't be until August that I can see a doctor so please just wish us luck as my pregnancies are high risk to begin with that no problems occur!
Thanks for staying updated with us and I will try to get more on here later!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week 8...SO SICK!

Is it not over yet?!
I mean, why does it have to take sooo long to cook a baby? I want it now! lol

This week has been actively challenging. The sickness comes and goes but when it hits it lasts all day! I end up dry heaving, unable to keep anything down, and very weak by the time the day passes. It wasn't like that with the others. I was either sick really quick, or just nauseous. Never constantly vomiting all day! It's horrible.... but worth it in the end!

Along with the illness has been the fatigue and restlessness. I seem to remember these things not starting until into the 2nd trimester before... why oh why are they starting so soon this time?! Must be a boy! lol
We have been set on a boy's name for forever, since we keep having girls it seems we may never use it! The name for a girl though, comes and goes... maybe this time I will wait till the baby comes to make the final decision.

The girls and I are heading out for a surprise visit to see some people tomorrow. It's been awhile and they are very close to us so, since Jared will be at summer camp, we decided to make the little trip over. We had planned on going to see my folks, but it's so far away and with me being sick all the time... well, I don't think we'd make it!

Guess that about wraps it up.
As always, feel free to share any advice you may have for me or ideas/suggestions!
Hope everyone had a GREAT Father's Day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 7...

I am so thankful that i LOVE my job!
I work roughly 30 hours a week... which is actually a good deal more than the other part-time employees who have been there a great deal longer than me! My boss understands I need the money and she really enjoys the atmosphere I help create at work... yay!
Unfortunately, there is a great chance that I will not be with the company much longer. It's not the craziness of the pregnancy, which I will get at later, but the unfortunate reality that it is nearly impossible to find constant, reliable, and cheap daycare! Don't get me wrong, we greatly appreciate our friends and family when they help out... but we don't want to continue to rely on them and make them feel like we are using them in any way...
That, and we are almost assuredly moving soon!
But more on that when the time comes!!!!!!

As far as the pregnancy goes, I am 7 weeks and 3 days today and still haven't had the means or time to see a doctor, but hey, I am experienced at this sort of thing so I know the basics... lol
The morning sickness comes mostly late late in the evening, or if I miss a meal by more than just a hour or so.... and it no longer involves actual vomiting, just nausea that won't go away... the worst kind!
I can't eat chocolate! This, along with a few other differences in my previous pregnancies and in correlation to others I have spoken with is making me feel like the baby is quite possibly a boy! But, then again... it could just be wishful excitement! lol
I haven't had the horrible headaches or weakness that has accompanied my pregnancies in the past, though it is still early on... I am hoping that I can keep up the active part of my life (walking, working, cooking...lol, and yoga) throughout this pregnancy without the previously inevitable bed rest. While we know this is a high risk pregnancy, with preterm labor with both Ciara and Cadince in my past, we are praying that the Lord grants us a smooth ride this time...

FYI, I am actually keeping these blog updates regular because other bloggers have inspired me to keep a journal, and while I regularly would not have the motivation to be so punctual with my posts, I figured it would be a great keepsake for the baby one day... a week by week journal. That and I can eventually throw all the pain and sickness in the one day teenagers face with actual proof! hahahahaha! jk... maybe!
Thank you for all your prayers and enthusiasm!
We couldn't be more EXCITED!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Week 6!

Ok, so the more I think about it, 9 months of posts revolving around what is happening to the tiny fetus inside me could probably get old... but I am so excited I am doing it anyway!
For now at least! :)

Ok, into week 6!

Just found out my sister-in-law has bun in the oven too! She is due the same week as me! I am really excited and please put out prayers for her since they have a had some trouble in the past! This is great news!

The cravings are really starting to hit. I wasn't expecting that but after talking to some friends I am hearing/realizing that with each pregnancy the "symptoms" start to occur sooner and fade faster... generally speaking of course!
I am exhausted, but it's pretty much just the crazy work output I have going on. This week we had Vacation Bible School at our church and the girls and I are really involved in it! We made the cutest quilt in crafts with stars and crosses all over it and special verses the girls stamped on there! It's so pretty! I am very proud of them!

Jared and I are, while excited, faced with a few big decisions right now that will have a great affect on our lives and future... so please put out a prayer for us that we can get the inspiration we need to make the right ones!

Guess that's about it.
Oh, here is the baby during the 6 week period!

FUNKY! I know! lol Trust me... they get cuter! lol

Sunday, May 31, 2009


So, since pretty much everybody has heard the news, posting it seems to be the next step...

We are expecting number 4!
Of course, with this I must add that Jared has dutifully prayed almost non-stop that we have conceived a little boy....ha! Right! We all know by now that this is very unlikely!
I want a healthy baby, regardless, and though a little boy would be wonderful, I am beginning to feel that one more girl will be easier... hand-me-downs, room-sharing, and potty-training all being considered of course! lol

We are incredibly excited, though this was quite a surprise. I am due January 27th (roughly) making me almost 6 weeks!

Here's too a healthy eventless pregnancy and another perfectly beautiful child! Please keep us in your prayers!

This is the baby at 5 1/2 weeks. I will try to keep visual updates as we go along as well! YAY!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New family photos

So we finally went and got some family photos done. I will post others later (once I get the disk) that my sister-in-;aw took of us outside and impromptu(ish), but for now here are the sitting still looking fake ones! I have to say these are probably my favorite bunch of family shots we have had taken so far!
Cecilia has never look so grown up! Cadince, of course, was a pain in the buttocks the entire time, but we eventually got some pictures with her looking somewhat less devilish then usual! lol

That's about it for now. Need to get some sleep before work in the A.M.! Woo hoo!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well....It has been awhile hasn't it.
Jared has been home since February 12th! It has been so perfect having him home...and it just keeps getting better all the time!
We moved...again! We are living in my folks house since they are out in Lost in the Woods, MO. It is really really nice to have our own space and be out of an apartment complex. No one just barges in talking about inspections, neighbors are not attached to my bedroom walls, and I don't have to park my van two buildings over if I try to park after nine o'clock at night. Plus, the jacuzzi is great! Having two acres for the kids to play on without having to constantly be right there with them worried about strange people(and we have Hermione (German Shepard) so the kids are happy) is wonderful. We have a few months to possibly a few years to make our home here and I really couldn't feel more comfortable.
Jared is job hunting, as am I, and it is proving very fruitless... with the recession going on there is so many people looking for jobs and so little job openings....it's just CRAZY hectic! We are praying things work out... Jared starts school tomorrow. The National Guard is paying him a monthly amount to help him through classes and paying for all his schooling. That is a real help, and some financial relief.
We have considered active duty army, and are still considering it... but Jared is going to try this college first thing out first and see if we can survive working and his schooling and drilling on the weekends... If we do go the active route, we want to try to negotiate for choice of duty station... and we really want to go to Germany! But, of course, there is no REALLY relying on the military! lol
Well, that's about it right now. If there is anything you need to know, or want to know that I haven't spilled here there is the possibility of CALLING someone everynow and then... (cough* ANDREA, cough*)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


It snowed the other day... and it is due to ice on Monday...
Where am I?????
It doesn't snow in Tennessee, not really anyway....

We are in Missouri right now. My Dad is having some minor health issues so I am here to help. Jacky moved here till Mom and Dad come home, but the girls and I are living here at least till Jared graduates. If I can find a decent job we will stay here till school is finished. Cecilia is in school here on base and I love the DOD schools... well at least this one! I am kinda melancholy like about taking her back to a regular public school after such a great school experience here!
I have all online classes so I am continuing school here, at the computer everynight after the little ones call it a night studying and typing my brains away.... assuming I had many to begin with! lol

It is so nice to be with family though. I didn't realize how down I was getting with no one around to talk to and no one to really hang out with!! Being husband-less wasn't the biggest issue, just being flat out bored doing the same cleaning-feeding-diaper changing-cooking-bathing routine everyday with no breaks for "ME" time (yes I know, how selfish of me!)... well it was relentless and depressing... It's nice to have company and extra hands ot divide the previously mentioned monotonous routine up with!
Can't wait for Jared to come home though... I am starting to miss my other child...

Well, that is it for now... got WAY TOO MUCH homework to get done
Thought I should update nevertheless...